Furniture docking sockets are a solution dedicated to public utility facilities such as shopping malls, museums, playgrounds in buildings, office buildings, public administration buildings and others, where it is required to place furniture in a carefully planned place in a way that prevents it from moving or theft.
The set consists of a floor box embedded in the floor with a diameter of 80mm and a height of 75mm with a brass sleeve for screwing the M10 bolt. The M10 screw is the element that connects the furniture leg with the box. The inside of the box is protected, as in classic ZGP boxes, with a cover made of anodized aluminum alloy. The cover has a hole in the central place, thanks to which it remains on the floor box both during assembly and disassembly of the furniture through the M10 screw. When not using the docking space, it is possible to use a cover without a hole - an additional element requires a separate order.
System components:
ul. Lirowa 6
80-298 Gdańsk
+48 512 671 080